As one of Canada’s early adapters of independent digital web radio networks, Allan Holender, a 40-year veteran of the radio broadcast industry, will be launching The Canadian Podcast Network in the spring of 2020.
“Canada and the world have many challenges ahead: ecological, social, democratic, and the list goes on,” Holender stated. “Independent, public-interest radio is more important than ever to unearth facts and spark the conversations we need to have. The Canadian Podcast Network will be that collective voice. Canada now has the opportunity to have an independent, free range, and organic media platform.”
Holender added that the Canadian Podcast Network will deliver “a roster of dynamic and locally-driven podcast content that will move with its audiences.”
Founder background
A pioneer in web radio, Holender hosted the first internet broadcast in Canada in 1997. Since then he has successfully built six digital online radio networks. Long before the advent of podcasting, Holender was investing in new and veteran “voices” who were making significant contributions to his networks. He envisions the same opportunities being made available to podcasters in every city and town across Canada so that their voices can be heard around the world and in their local communities.
“The Okanagan is an exciting hub for tech and innovation in British Columbia,” says Holender, a local resident and owner of Okanagan Valley Radio. “Local tech and tech-enabled companies across industry sectors are solving complex problems in the Okanagan and around the world, driving international attention to the region and employing more than 12,000 highly skilled workers. We are proud to announce that The Canadian Podcast Network will be headquartered here in the Okanagan Valley, which many have described as ‘Silicon North’.”

In describing the content that can be expected from this new venture, Holender said that, “This new global digital initiative will offer an eclectic mix of music, health, lifestyle, storytelling, and inspiring conversations.” He added that, “The Canadian Podcast Network will provide Canadian podcasters a broadcast hub and media portal to the world. By connecting virtually to the voices from around Canada with rich content, meaningful conversations, world class music, and award-winning hosts, CPN will showcase some of Canada’s greatest talent and the industry’s best brands of music and infotainment. The Canadian Podcast Network is also committed to engaging and connecting with our listeners and communities from around the world. The time has come for an independent, free range, and organic media network.”
Commenting on the initiative from an audience perspective, Holender noted that, “Listening to podcasts is easier than ever and innovation will drive The Canadian Podcast Network as it redefines the listening experience and expands its digital footprint. We promise to deliver great listening destinations and build on our brands through dedicated podcasting platforms that provide audiences with on-air content on-demand with ‘click and play’ capability, whenever and wherever they want.”

Holender’s pledge is, “Our podcasters, who will be independent, will stay true to their local roots, acting as the voices of their communities and embodying CPN's commitment to enhance the quality of life in our communities across Canada and around the world. The Canadian Podcast Network will harness the reach and impact of all those with like-minded and mutual synergies, who wish to partner and form strategic alliances, to support podcasters wherever they may live. With a roster of cutting-edge podcasts and great storytellers, the Canadian Podcast Network brings personality, engagement, and connectivity to its listeners, all while maintaining local insight into the communities we call home.”
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